Great read on the ways that medical and mental health issues coincide. Maté does a lovely job of sharing personal experiences, case studies, research and interviews to prompt us to re-think and re-imagine what normal is and what it could be.
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I wrote a book! If you’re looking for some accessible strategies to manage worry by using mindfulness and behavioral principles give it a read!
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A good place to start if you are looking to re-evaluate your relationship with work, rest, and productivity. Good for the over-achievers who have a hard time slowing down. The author does a nice job of walking you through understanding belief systems that might keep you trapped in maladaptive patterns with your work.
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Highly recommended if you are trying to develop a more compassionate relationship with your own body as a fat person, or understand and deconstruct your biases about fat bodies. An invitation to challenge preconceived notions about physical and emotional health in a society set up to only value and uphold thin bodies.
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A great book to help you understand, deconstruct, and explore your relationship to sex and sexuality. Highly accessible and informative. Definitely worth a read if you are struggling with shame, changes in libido, or just want to learn how to have better conversations about sex.
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An easy, accessible read for those who are just beginning their meditation and mindfulness journey. Jon Kabat-Zin does a great job laying out the principles of mindfulness and how to apply them in our everyday lives. I would recommend savoring this book, moving through just one section at a time to allow yourself to process and absorb the practices.
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If you want to learn more about Buddhism, meditation, and mindfulness this is a great read. A series of recorded reflections, lectures, and teachings of a Buddhist monk. This book will deepen your understanding of the roots and purpose of meditation with a fair bit of humor and social observation thrown in.
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A wonderful resource for those looking at understanding intergenerational, social, and racial trauma. Highly recommended for clinicians, clients, activists or anyone looking to work on deepening their understanding of their own trauma and history.
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A beautiful reflection on life, meaning, and death from a Zen Buddhist perspective. Be prepared to sit with some heavy topics, but nevertheless a helpful guide for whatever stage of life you might be working through. Can be used as a way to enhance your experience in therapy or just as a way to reflect on life and your place in it.
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Recommended for those seeking to develop a deeper understanding of anger, mindfulness, and social justice. A thought-provoking journey into our relationship with anger and ways in which anger can be used as a tool for social change. Whether you are looking to deepen your meditation practice or are just beginning to work with anger as an emotion, this is a great read.
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An excellent read for information and perspective about the impact of trauma on the individual and society. Highly recommended for professionals working with healing trauma. Recommended for those who have experienced trauma and want to get more information and context about the healing process.
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Recommended for professionals looking to learn more about attachment and supporting parents with building solid attachments with their children. Recommended for parents who feel they are struggling to build positive connections with their children.
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Recommended for parents and professsionals working with young children. Provides perspective on parenting with the brain in mind.
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