
Diet Culture Myths and How to Fight Them

As we get more into the holiday and new year’s resolution season, I thought it might be helpful to reflect on diet culture.

You have likely heard the term “diet culture” before, but what exactly is it? Diet culture is perhaps best defined as a set of social norms and assumptions around the way we eat, move, and look. There are a number of social narratives that reinforce diet culture every day and we experience those narratives in variety of contexts from the office, grocery store, advertising, and TV show plotlines.

Here are some narratives to be aware of:

  • You have a social/moral/health-based imperative to lose weight.

  • There are “bad” foods and “good” foods.

  • There are “clean” and “toxic” foods.

  • If you have eaten a “bad” (i.e. high calorie) food then you have to “burn it off” with exercise.

  • You earn “cheat meals” by being “good” and restricting your foods at other times of the day/week.

  • You are led to believe that simply eating what you want, when you want it, in whatever quantity feels satisfying to your body will result in “letting yourself go” (i.e. gaining weight).

  • Compliments when people have lost weight and the assumption that people who have gained weight must have something wrong with or about them.

A common and particularly pernicious myth we experience is the equation of someone losing weight as a path to becoming more attractive or worthy of love, admiration, and/or success. Here are a few ways you can start to combat the pressures of diet culture in your own life:

  • Learn about the frameworks that keep diet culture in place and actively explore anti-diet resources to learn more accurate information about health and nutrition. Check out the podcasts Let Us Eat Cake or Food Psych. Both are created by anti-diet nutritionists.

  • Create space to nurture your body. Shift out of the self-punishment and self-discipline mindsets.

  • Make meals fun, play with your food, use your imagination. Try new recipes, arrange your food in fun ways. Make a smiley face in your morning oatmeal. Create a broccoli tree forest.

  • Get rid of any clothes that don’t fit. Stop buying things are too small so you can motivate yourself to lose weight. You deserve clothes that fit you exactly as you are now.

  • Get rid of your fitness apps. Stop counting/tracking everything you eat and every time you exercise.

  • Prioritize “movement” over “exercise.” Moving your body should not hurt, make you nauseous, or leave you feeling exhausted and sore for days.

  • Throw out the “inspiration” photos, unfollow the fitness influencers, and step out of the body comparison game. Shaming yourself into having a different body is not a great strategy for cultivating self-love.

  • Ask yourself how you’d rather spend the time you dedicate to losing weight and/or changing something about your body. Would you play with your kids? Have a nap? Read a good book? Do that instead.

If you’re struggling with deconstructing diet culture messages, intrusive thoughts about your body shape or size, or chronic dieting don’t hesitate to reach out for help!

Making Time for Breakfast

Breakfast is perhaps one of the most neglected meals of the day. Our mornings are spent in the chaos of alarm clocks, getting ready for work or school, and generally trying to avoid facing the day as much as possible.

There’s a saying that you should start the way you mean to go on. So, this post is about making a conscious decision as to how we mean to go on. We often focus on goals in the context of New Year’s resolutions, but you don’t have to wait for a special day each year to start something intentionally.

Treating each day as a new beginning can help us feel more hopeful and refreshed and create more opportunities for self-evaluation. Taking time, even a little time, to be intentionally present with ourselves in the morning can help us reduce burnout, improve our mood, and reduce anxiety about facing the day.

Breakfast helps get our metabolism going and gives us energy for our day. It can also help us be more conscious and intentional about our other food choices throughout the day and not have to rely on caffeine to trick ourselves into not noticing we’re hungry or tired. Breakfast is both a literal and a symbolic act of nourishing ourselves and a reminder to take time to be present with ourselves.

Here are some ideas for reclaiming your morning and your breakfast:

  • Make breakfast non-negotiable, create opportunities to try new things, or decide on a go-to, easy balanced breakfast to make for the week. Prep ingredients the night before if needed.

  • Commit to a meditation practice. Even if it’s only 5 minutes before you head out the door or get out of bed. Taking time to wake up to your day slowly can create a more intentional, less hectic flavor to your day.

  • Read a physical book or magazine rather than scrolling on your phone or other device. Prioritizing the rest of the world over yourself first thing in the morning can increase stress levels and reduce our motivation and ability to tend to our own needs.

  • Listen to music that is soothing or motivating first thing in the morning. Use this as an opportunity to dance around to something you enjoy.

  • Move your body. Create a 10-15 minute stretching, walking, or yoga routine to get your blood flowing and stretch out your body after a night of sleep.

  • Ditch your alarm clock. Here’s a confession: I absolutely hate alarm clocks. To me, they are the worst, most jarring way to wake up. Create a bedtime routine that allows you to wake up naturally around the same time every day. It may take a few weeks to fully adjust but trust me it’s worth it. If you absolutely need an alarm clock opt for one that wakes you up with light rather than sound. It may also be helpful to get an idea of how much sleep you naturally need and adjust your routine accordingly. Hint: most people vastly underestimate how much sleep they actually need to feel good.

  • If you have a pet, make the first thing you do when you get up snuggling or playing with them. The resulting happy brain hormones make for an excellent reward.

Pick 1-2 things off this list to start off with. Mornings don’t have to be overwhelming. If you’d like additional support with developing better routines to support your mental health please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Unpacking Emotions

You are likely familiar with the terms “processing” or “unpacking” emotions if you’ve ever been to therapy, or possibly browsed inspirational posts on Instagram. These are terms we use and hear fairly often, but rarely do we get to really dive into what they mean.

Emotions are made up of different “parts” that come together to create a larger experience. For example: when we experience anger, the neurochemistry in our brains creates physical sensations such as muscle tension, increased blood flow, and changes in body temperature. We also experience thoughts related to the situation we are angry about; we might find ourselves ruminating about whatever caused us to get angry in the first place. We may also exhibit external behaviors such as pacing, yelling, etc.

When we “unpack” these emotions we need to look at each of the components to better understand the whole. In addition to examining the emotion in the moment, it can also be helpful to look at patterns. For example, when have you seen this emotion show up in other parts of your life. What did you learn about this emotion growing up in your family of origin? How have you handled this emotion in the past? What other emotions does this emotion bring up for you? (i.e. how do you feel about the fact that you feel angry). This requires us to cultivate what’s called an “observer mindset.”

Here’s a quick mindfulness practice to help you get started:

  • Begin by finding a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Take a few deep inhales through your nose and out through your mouth. You want to feel your belly moving.

  • Notice your body. Locate a space in your body that feels grounded, neutral, or calm. If this is hard to do, you might just focus on the cool air as you breathe in and the warm air as you breathe out.

  • Now come back to the feeling you are trying to unpack. Notice where in your body you feel that. It might be in your chest, your throat, your shoulders or somewhere else.

  • When you can connect with that physical sensation allow yourself to vacillate back and forth between the space that feels grounded and the space where you feel the emotion. The key here is to not try to change the emotion or physical sensation but just allow yourself to observe and describe what you notice happening.

  • Stay here as long as you like. I recommend about 5-10 minutes. Once you’re done take some time to reflect on what you observed. Notice the thoughts, memories, and physical sensations that showed up.

As always, if you’re struggling and would like additional support please don’t hesitate to reach out!